- network of rental adverts in Ukraine
Price: 1400 uah.
$34, €31
Actuality of advert
Author: Марина (2 of adverts)
Creation date: 29 Sep. 2019 23:59
Updated: 9 jan. 2020 12:31
Visits: 0, of unique: 0

Rent a room in Kherson per 1400 uah.

Advert source




55 м²
Kitchen square:
8 м²
Floors count:
House type:
Житловий фонд 2001-2010-і

Additional description

Rent a room in a private house for one girl. Two Girls live in two rooms. Accommodation without a hostess, hot water, boiler, amenities in the house. Summer cuisine. a large courtyard, there is where to cook barbecue, close to bus stop 14 Vostochnaya (4th house) nearby shops, convenient transport interchange. Price from 1 person + com services for three. The price is indicated during the heating season. By agreement, in the spring will be 1600 UAH.

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