- network of rental adverts in Ukraine
Price: 3000 uah.
$73, €67
Actuality of advert
Author: Владимир (1 of adverts)
Creation date: 29 Oct. 2019 16:35
Updated: 9 jan. 2020 12:30
Visits: 0, of unique: 0

Rent a house in Zhytomyr per 3000 uah.

Advert source




60 м²
Floors count:
Wall type:
Bathroom type:
Індивідуальне газове

Additional details

  • Iron and ironing board
  • Kitchen stove
  • Fridge
  • Washer
  • Ванна

Additional description

with. Stanyshivka Zhytomyr district. House three rooms. Rent two rooms, kitchen, hallway, bathroom, toilet in the yard. Water in the house. The plot is fenced, garden. Near the forest, river.
Do not disturb with small children. !!
The rent of 3000 includes: 100 kW. electricity (monthly) and 100 m * of gas during the heating period.
3 km. from the city of Zhytomyr.
Public transport: minibus 121 Hlubochytsia-Stanyshivka (runs every 15-20 minutes). Any bus in the direction - Andrushivka, Popilnya Skvyra, Bila Tserkva.
Another option through a paper mill: minibus 4A; 11 or trolleybus, but this route is longer to walk.

Where to go

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