- network of rental adverts in Ukraine
Price: 1200 uah.
$29, €27
Actuality of advert
Author: Людмила (1 of adverts)
Creation date: 9 Nov. 2019 13:41
Updated: 9 jan. 2020 12:26
Visits: 0, of unique: 0

Rent a house in Poltava per 1200 uah.

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69 м²
Floors count:
Індивідуальне газове

Additional details

  • Wi-Fi
  • Television set

Additional description

Rent a house in the village. Suprunivka. Payment in the winter 1200, in the summer 2000 + The house has furniture, 2 TVs, refrigerator, baby washing machine, internet. streets, water only on the street). 2 large rooms are for rent, our things will be stored in the small one. In a corridor now a condition of repair (ceiling), covered a roof. But all this will be closed by winter. If there is an opportunity to do so, you can at the expense of rent. The yard is large, there is a place for a car, there is a plot of land, if desired, you can plant. Neighbors are friendly, calm. We rent only for a long time to decent people without bad habits who can take care of the house and yard.

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